The Computer Assisted Language Worker
Part two
This is a guide to resources available for linguists interested in using computers to assist their work. We give information on how to use the software, and provide links to other sites of a similar kind. The aim of these pages is not to deal with large scale corpus issues (which are already dealt with at other sites), but to help in small scale projects, typically a single researcher working on a previously undescribed language.
These pages are now presented as historical relics. More recent work on reviewing tools and methods can be found in the technology reviews section of the journal Language Documentation & Conservation.These pages take up the issues discussed in Part one, now dated, but nevertheless a useful starting point. Where advances have been made in the software discussed in Part one, we hope to include a new review in the current pages.
These pages are maintained by a working group who welcome unsolicited reviews. Please send reviews or enquiries to the of these pages.
See also the discussion of what we want from texts and how to produce written texts from audio sources. (given at the Australian Linguistic Society texts session in Perth, October 1999).
Shoebox 5 - software for dictionary production and interlinearising
Praat - software for acoustic phonetic analysis
SoundEdit - recording and editing sound files
SoundIndex - linking text and audio
Mapping linguistic data geographically
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