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Note that the spelling of language names in this map may not be the same as in the body of the text.
Island name: Aneityum
Proto-language: PSV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Aneityum
Other names: Anaiteum, Aneityumese, Anejom
Codrington, R.H. 1885. The Melanesian languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press; p.477.
Gabelentz, H.C. von der 1861. Die melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen Bau und ihrer Verwandschaft unter sich und mit den Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen. Abhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-Historische Klasse 3:65-124.
Hewitt, Helen-Jo Jakusz 1966. Aneityum of the Southern New Hebrides: Anejom segmental phonology and word list - a preliminary report. Te Reo 9:1-43 * A detailed discussion of the phonology of Anejom, and a list of about 1500 Anejom lexical items (no English index).
Inglis, J. 1882. A dictionary of the Aneityumese language. London: Williams & Norgate * One of the earliest publications on any Vanuatu language, this is a remarkable piece of work in its way.
Lawrie, Rev. J. 1892. Aneityum, New Hebrides. Report of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 4:708-717 * Includes a brief grammatical sketch ? much of it similar to the sketch in Inglis' dictionary ? marred by the fact that many occurrences of Anejo u are printed as n.
Lynch, John 1982. Anejom grammar sketch. PL, A-64:93-154 * A "composite" grammar of Anejom, based partly on a grammar sketch written by A. Capell (but never published) and partly on a brief period of fieldwork by the author.
Lynch, John 1991. A century of linguistic change in Anejom. In Robert Blust (ed.), Currents in Pacific linguistics: Papers on Austronesian linguistics and ethnolinguistics in honour of George W. Grace. Canberra: PL, C-117:185-195 * Describes the fairly drastic changes which have taken place in Anejom grammar and vocabulary since the publication of Inglis' dictionary and grammar sketch in 1882.
Lynch, John 1995. The Anejoü subject marking system: Past, present and future. Oceanic Linguistics 34,1:13-26.
Lynch, John & Matthew Spriggs 1995. Anejoü numerals: the (mis)adventures of a counting system. Te Reo 38:37-52.
Lynch, John & Philip Tepahae 1999. Digging up the linguistic past: The lost language(s) of Aneityum, Vanuatu. In Roger Blench & Matthew Spriggs (eds.), Archaeology and language III; pp.277-285. London: Routledge (One World Archaeology 34.)
Ray, Sidney H. 1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.137-139.
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