Languages of Erromango

Note that the extinct languages Sorung and Utaha are not shown on this map.

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Note that the spelling of language names in this map may not be the same as in the body of the text.



Crowley, Terry. 1997. What happened to Erromango's languages? JPS 106(1):33-63



Island name: Erromango
Proto-language: PSV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Erromango
Other names: Enyau, Eromanga(n), Ifo, Yoku
Capell, A.
1972. Some phonological phenomena in Eromangan. In Jacqueline M.C. Thomas & Lucien Bernot (eds.), Langues et techniques, nature et société, vol. 1: Approche linguistique. Paris: Klincksieck; pp.49-56 * A brief discussion of some morphophonemic changes in Sie, with some historical comparison.
Capell, A. & John Lynch
1983. Sie vocabulary. In John Lynch (ed.), Studies in the languages of Erromango. Canberra: PL C-79:75-147 * A "mini-dictionary", containing approximately 2000 Sie entries with an English index.
Crowley, Terry 1997. Navyan ovoteme Nelocompne ire. Department of General and Applied Linguistics, University of Waikato. Hamilton (New Zealand). 83 pp.
Crowley, Terry 1998. An Erromangan (Sye) grammar. OL Special Publication No 27. University of Hawai'i Press. Honolulu. xv + 294 pp.
Crowley, Terry 1998. The voiceless fricatives [s] and [h] in Erromangan: one phoneme, two, or one and a bit? Australian Journal of Linguistics 18(2):149-68.
Crowley, Terry In press. Literacy and translationese in Erromangan (Vanuatu). To appear in LINCOM Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Languages of the World: Series E (Languages of the Pacific Area).
Crowley, Terry In press. How did Erromangan verbs get so messy?. To appear in Bill Palmer and Paul Geraghty (eds) Papers from the Second International Conference in Oceanic linguistics. PL. Canberra.
Crowley, Terry In press. What happened to Erromangan possessive morphology? To appear in Ken Rehg and Joel Bradshaw (eds), Festschrift for Byron Bender. PL. Canberra. Final text submitted to editor December 1997.
Crowley, Terry In press. Sye. To appear in John Lynch, Malcolm Ross and Terry Crowley (eds), The Oceanic languages. London: Curzon Press.
Gabelentz, H.C. von der
1861. Die melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen Bau und ihrer Verwandschaft unter sich und mit den Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen. Abhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-Historische Klasse 3:124-145.
Lynch, John & A. Capell
1983. Sie grammar outline. In John Lynch (ed.), Studies in the languages of Erromango. Canberra, PL, C-79:11-74 * A brief sketch of the phonology, morphology and syntax of Sie, including two texts.
Ray, Sidney H.
1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.176-194.


Island name: Erromango
Proto-language: PSV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Erromango
Other names:
Lynch, John
1983. Sorung. In John Lynch (ed.), Studies in the languages of Erromango. Canberra, PL, C-79:191-192 * Everything that is known about this now extinct language, presented in two pages.


Island name: Erromango
Proto-language: PSV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Erromango
Other names:
Crowley, Terry 1998. Ura. Languages of the World/Materials 240. LINCOM EUROPA. München. ii + 49 pp.
Crowley, Terry In press. Ura: A disappearing language of southern Vanuatu. PL. Canberra.
Lynch, John 1982. The Ura language, Erromango. In Rainer Carle, Martine Heinschke, Peter W. Pink, Christel Rost & Karen Stadtlander (eds.), GAVA': Studies in Austronesian languages and cultures dedicated to Hans Kähler. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer; pp.215-236 * A brief summary of what was known about this moribund language.
Lynch, John
1983. Ura grammar sketch and vocabulary. In John Lynch (ed.), Studies in the languages of Erromango. Canberra, PL, C-79:148-183 * This article expands on Lynch 1982 (see above), due to material collected by A. Capell on this moribund language becoming available. It contains a brief outline of the phonology and grammar, two (translated) texts, and a vocabulary of about 500 Ura entries with English index.


Island name: Erromango
Proto-language: PSV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Erromango
Other names:
Lynch, John
1983. Utaha. In John Lynch (ed.), Studies in the languages of Erromango. Canberra, PL, C-79:184-190 * A very brief grammatical outline, and a vocabulary of just under 100 Utaha entries, which represents all the information available on this extinct language.

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