Languages of Santo

Note that the spelling of language names in this map may not be the same as in the body of the text.

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Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (southwestern)
Other names: Eralado, Ipayato, Lamarakai, Marino, Navaka, Pilipili, Tasiriki
Ray, Sidney H.
1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.371-384.


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (South Central), Narango North


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group:


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Southwestern)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: East Santo
Other names: Ati


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Southwestern)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Western)
Other names: Nalultsileri


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: East Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Southeastern)
Other names: Mavea


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Western)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Southeastern)
Other names: Savan, Tamambo, Tamabo
Jauncey, Dorothy. 1997. A grammar of Tamambo, the language of western Malo, Vanuatu. PhD dissertation, Australian National University.
Landels, J.D.
1891. [Grammar of Malo]. In D. MacDonald (ed.), South Sea languages: A series of studies on the languages of the New Hebrides and other South Sea islands, vol. 2: Tangoan-Santo, Malo, Malekula, Epi (Baki and Bierian), Tanna, and Futuna. Melbourne: Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria; pp.15-33.


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (South Central)
Other names: Mafun, Moruas


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (South Central)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (Western)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo
Other names: Nogugu
Gordon, J.D.
1889. Sketch of the Santo grammar and vocabulary. In D. MacDonald (ed.), New Hebrides linguistics: Introductory. Three New Hebrides languages (Efatese, Eromangan, Santo). Melbourne: Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library; pp.85-134.
Ray, Sidney H.
1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.384-401.


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: ?


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: East Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: ?


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: East Santo
Other names: Hog Harbour, Port Olry, Sakau
Crowley, Terry In press. Sakao. To appear in John Lynch, Malcolm Ross and Terry Crowley (eds), The Oceanic languages. London: Curzon Press.
Guy, J.B.M. 1974. A grammar of the northern dialect of Sakao. Canberra: PL, B-33 * An outline of the phonology, morphology and syntax of this complex language, unfortunately written in an idiosyncratic style and format. ix + 99pp.
Guy, J.B.M.
1977. On the origins of the Sakao vowel system (New Hebrides). JPS 86,1:97-103 * Proposes a number of hypotheses which explain the derivation of modern Sakao's twelve vowels from the five Proto Oceanic vowels.

Shark Bay

Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: East Santo
Other names: Litaro


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (southeastern)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (southewestern)
Annand, J. 1891. [Grammar of Tangoan-Santo]. In D. MacDonald (ed.), South Sea languages: A series of studies on the languages of the New Hebrides and other South Sea islands, vol. 2: Tangoan-Santo, Malo, Malekula, Epi (Baki and Bierian), Tanna, and Futuna. Melbourne: Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria; pp.1-14.
Camden, Pastor Bill
1979. Parallels in structure of lexicon and syntax between New Hebrides Bislama and the South Santo language as spoken at Tangoa. PL, A-57:51-117 * Provides a strong argument in support of the Oceanic substrate theory by outlining many syntactic parallels between Bislama and Tangoa.
Ray, Sidney H.
1892. Vocabulary of the Tangoa dialect, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 41:707-714.
Ray, Sidney H.
1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.356-370.


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo
Other names: Bay of SS.Philip & James, Big Bay, Marina, Tikipi
Codrington, R.H.
1885. The Melanesian languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press; pp.441-449.
Ray, Sidney H.
1926. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.401-416.


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (southeastern)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: Northwest Santo


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (southwestern)


Island name: Santo
Proto-language: PNV
Ross Clark (1985) local group / Tryon (1976) sub-group: South Santo (western)
Other names: Wulua

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